Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Decency ?

About a month I picked up a book that entailed the the story of a young yibir boy.Some forty pages later , I couldnt help but detest the somali culture that uplifts one sect of its society while suppressing another(minority).All of this done in the name of decency............Are they freakin' nuts?

............................................... The country I have so much been in love with broke my heart again.


Blogger Yasmin said...

You must understand how that happened, in the olden days, Some Somalis were Christians and Jews. Like the Yibir or Hebrews, therefore, in Islam you cannot marry a non Muslim, specially the women. Therefore, marriage with the non Muslims were discourage, as time changed that old reason never changed with the times, the majority became bigger Muslim clans, while the minorities non Muslim later became Muslim. The forbidden of marriage amongst clans just continued out of habit.

FYI, the book you read was written by one who came from one of the biggest clans in Somalia( darod), and it is a wake up call to Somalis in order to change the ugly culture of not marrying from the former non muslim clans, as they became muslim

If it is any consolation to you I am personally friends with Yibirs who are married from other clans, other clans like Darood, hawiye and Isaaq. Times have changed and people are changing with it.

One of the Top Somali leaders call Mohamed Ali Samater was from the so call Minority groups.

In defense for Somali culture, we have one of the best culture in the world, however just like any culture in the world, there are prejudices that people need to over come, and we have been on the road of over coming our shortcoming for the last 30 years. Today, Minority groups are becoming heavy weight politicians. As we move to party system and more democratic nation, god willing, the line between clans will became a thing of the past. The future generations will also make sure that this line is completely erased from our memory. One Somali, under one flag. A country were people are judged by merit not by bloodlines. Insha Allah.

Hey, good luck with your studies and stay strong,

Your sister,


4:36 PM  

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