Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hookah, As We Hookup

Schemed my best strategy(my best front)
Smoothered her with slick tongue(sweet words)
hosted the best flavour(clove)
hoisted my demeanor(I am all that & more baby)
not to demean her presence
I held intelligible intercourse(social intercourse)
to entertain an earnest discourse.
On this mahogany night in a velvet lounge
her lips danced around the hookah pipe
my mind descended into sexuality
enticed by her grasp of the pipe
as she wrapped her fingers around skillfully(finger tips dont lie)
left me to fancy all the sugar that could be made tonight(call me papi).
my imagination is running away with me..... yet again
Must I be summoned back into reality
and wrestle with my conscience
to overcome my addiction to this extravagant fantasia.

-Che Cirro


Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:48 PM  
Blogger Aya said...

Very cool!

1:18 AM  
Blogger Shadiatique said...


5:20 PM  

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