Sunday, January 07, 2007


Fast backwards:
Before pride was embezzled,
leadpowder(pencil) reigned
patriotism had no parameters
less catered hate,all propogated compassion
wisdom exceeded ignorance
humanity nurtured
nature guarded
youth guided
blessings bestowed generously
faith elevated.
Then sudden awe struck !
Livelyhood impaired
well-being corrupted
nation condemned to waste
Pride stained
respect went on hiatus
shame rooted well
truth falsified
humanity infringed
justice hindered
gun-powder reigns
nature burnt down to coal
status quo stagnated (aint that vicious ?)
All 'cuz of what ?
some contrived hatred
many concieved it
all conceptualized
and none contracepted (aint that sad ?)

- Che Cirro.


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