Thursday, February 22, 2007

Obamafied !

I do admit to certain sharp divertion from my regular genre, so to speak.However,this Obama phenomena has sucked us all into Obamasphere moderated by the media clowns.I cant seem to escape,though not surprising,this sudden act of obamification.So much so it interferes with my "The Wire" re-run,and I am not having it.But then none obligated me to follow and had to re-alocate my attention elsewhere.That was my initial commitment and it proved harder, in the weeks and days that followed I found myself more immersed. All the while, rest of my dailies were slowly being relegated to the backburner."Hardball" took front and center.
I am not certainly swayed by this brother's charm,eloquence or political tact(if he has any).But rather drawn by his melanin.You could call me simple or even racist,maybe a sentimentalist in this regard.Trait widely abundant amongst people of colour before and during election cycle.
Though my reasoning raw and simplistic, I largely blame it on this complex society we dwell within.With no candidate to offer blacks any practical exit plan out of their plight, we've been deemed to rely on sentiments.Black folks liked Bill because they drew close similarity,pure sentiment.We adore Bill for his appearance at the Arsenio Hall show and his saxophone skills and not so much because he advanced policies that empowered black folks.Mr. O on the other hand is blackman that has not exhibited any soul.Remains to be seen how well he'll be received at black pulpits.
Sentiments and race drive this political race to presidency.And the greatest irony is that Mr. Obama is running on a platform that claims to transcend all of the above, knowing that sentiment and not sensibility is his greatest ally.My only fear that he will distance himself too much from mainstream black america which inturn might pave the way for his downfall.
What is he really banking on ?

-Che Cirro

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hookah, As We Hookup

Schemed my best strategy(my best front)
Smoothered her with slick tongue(sweet words)
hosted the best flavour(clove)
hoisted my demeanor(I am all that & more baby)
not to demean her presence
I held intelligible intercourse(social intercourse)
to entertain an earnest discourse.
On this mahogany night in a velvet lounge
her lips danced around the hookah pipe
my mind descended into sexuality
enticed by her grasp of the pipe
as she wrapped her fingers around skillfully(finger tips dont lie)
left me to fancy all the sugar that could be made tonight(call me papi).
my imagination is running away with me..... yet again
Must I be summoned back into reality
and wrestle with my conscience
to overcome my addiction to this extravagant fantasia.

-Che Cirro

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Thorn on my side, my feet rather
yet my memory engulfed by it's puncture
for the times it pierced my sole(and soul!)
As we cut through the bushes for an early reach(enroute to Baraxley)
not knowing we would traceback
to succumb twice to the agony
yet it remains my only metaphor for an early identity
It's green and thorny
It is Cactus, tiin-tiin, and bears trauma !

Never mind we walked through cactus field,endured all the wear and tear.Never mind someone would tell on me for missing dugsi.Never mind I would come back all dusty and ugly.What I never did foresee was the ass whopping that would eclipse all the joy because I missed dugsi. I always had my suspicions that my sister had role in getting me trouble.

-Che Cirro

Saturday, February 03, 2007


I have witnessed bright faces awaken,
And noted each face linger in unique frame
As Luul, in her splendour
Casha,in her grace
Cambaro,in her gait
Dispelled the gloom within
Yet, my joy was amalgamated with sorrow,
As I must not care for any of these "Faces"
-Che Cirro